Sunday, December 9, 2007

Friday to Sunday

Secret Snowflake and Christmas/holiday party at my internship and also the Recycled Fashion show put on by the Students for Environmental Action at NU (in afterhours).

Secret Snowflake: Yay official awkward holiday time! I got a blank book, woo!

The Recycled Fashion show which, of course, I will post pics of later. Jesse did most of the sewing, since every time I try to use the sewing machine something goes wrong. She made a vest made out of tote bags and a slip, a collard shirt made out of this crazy pair of silk pants, and a skirt made out of ties. I made a belt from an old bag strap, bottle caps and keyboard keys, a pair of sandals with cardboard and tie pieces, and a shirt with sequins on it made from bottles and cans. Jesse already makes bags by knitting the plastic of disposable plastic grocery bags together so she had a bag for one outfit and she made a tie for the other outfit. She also makes earrings from soda cans, which she got to sell a bunch of after the show. They are really cool and don't look like they are "recycled" unless you know to look for it.

Tree trimming was postponed!

Next Saturday will be the ultimate holiday extravaganza that is tree decorating at Gramma's house. I still need to find time some day this week to put the lights up because the (fake) tree is so tall it takes about 7 – 8 long strands of (Gramma's choice) white lights.

Instead I went to a meeting with the PSA, the union and the janitors at 6:00am (!) and then then went back to bed and finally went to Tufts with Jason, after delicious Indian Buffet.

I have something important to tell everyone:

I am a Traveler IQ Challenge-aholic on facebook. I go on binges where I need to look up the countries, and capitals of the world. I suppose it would be worse, since I'm actually learning stuff (really re-learning because I knew all this in 7th grade and have since forgotten it).

I spent the whole time at Tufts playing the game, finally achieving the top score of my friends. (YES!)


Today was an excellent day because I got to have brunch with Erin, Julie, Jared, Jason, Jay, and Krishna at the Otherside (Emo) Cafe. The home fries were devoid of curry and the biscuits weren't put in the panini press which made this meal less pretentious and more delicious that the last time I was at The Emo. It was great to catch up with Jay and Julie who I haven't seen in forever. Seeing Erin was similarly fabulous but I talk to her on the "gchats" on a semi regular basis.

Then Jason left us to go study at Tufts, Julie and Jared went to have their own tree decorating time and Erin, Jay, Krishna and I went to several crafty-fairs. I couldn't admit this to myself before but I realize that I like going to these places not to buy things but to get ideas about what to make for other people. I'm such a bad capitalist. I also like to give people gifts that are what they need, or are incredibly useful (thus usually something they need) or something I've made (since why should I pay for something that isn't useful...that's just economics right?). Yes folks, I'm that person that asks for socks every Christmas and really means it (especially if they are made from alpaca fur, so soft and warm!) So I didn't buy anything today but I have some good ideas, like jewelry made out of bottle caps, ornament balls that come apart like those russian dolls and...well I can't spoil anymore now can I?

Now I am in the Tufts GIS computer lab with Jason because 1) he's working on finals, 2) I don't have a working computer at my house, and 3) I've been trying to be here for moral support for Jason since he started grad school last year [AND 4) now that I've finally met his new friends, who are all here, I've decided they're pretty cool and worth hanging out with more]. They are really a critical mass of cool people that get along and help each other out, which seems like the ideal scenario at grad school. It seems like the same critical mass that smacked the Box Office in it's luscious ass a few years ago and how I feel the PSA was for me.

I'm also excited because Laura will be back in 6 days, just in time for the holidays which is SUPER exciting, especially because the Hob Bobblin will also be in the, sort of, the northeast.

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