Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What's new:

Not much is new actually.

At my internship they asked if I could help them phone bank. I said yes because I knew it would only be for one shift, otherwise, I would have a receipt for my soul. I've done "calling" before, but always to ask people to "take action" never to actually give money. I made $60 and now I'm done thank goodness.

Tree trimming at Gramma's is this Saturday and Steph will be in town for it hopefully it'll be a lot of fun as always! Complete with lots of fooooood, including amazing Gramma baked goods. Jason may even make an appearance (since there will be food).

Otherwise, besides the fact that, if this is possible, my bedroom seems even colder than last winter, nothing else is new.


Bobbie said...

Bundle up! :)

Unknown said...

Don't you mean "nothing much is new, except my burgeoning excitement at seeing my loves bobbie and laura again"?

Thought so. :-D
(Even though I'm pretty sure that was grammatically incorrect.)

Have fun tree trimming! Go crazy with the ribbons, please.